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North Point - Kowloon City

North Point - Kowloon City

Ordinary ferry services are available for this route. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis, passengers please wait for the next sailing when the current sailing is full.

Remark: The following sailing schedules are displayed from left to right horizontally and from top to bottom.

Download the ferry services timetable

Download details of “Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities”.


From North Point


From Kowloon City


Fare Table


Vessel Type
Ordinary Ferry
Senior, Child and Disabled *


Passengers bringing freight onboard except one piece of travelling case or bag not exceeding 32 inch (Width) x 23 inch (Height) x 12 inch (Depth) in size have to travel by ordinary ferries (No freight is allowed onboard fast ferries) and pay the corresponding freight fare at the freight ticketing office before boarding. The freight should be placed at the designated area at ordinary-class cabin.

Freight Rates for Inner Harbour Ferry Routes

Journey Time

About 14 minutes

The aforesaid journey time is for reference only. Actual journey time will be affected by speed restriction within the Victoria Harbour, sea traffic, weather and sea conditions.

See Also